Schmeckles Burn Event 2025

This event is live from 15 March 2025 until 15 April 2025

You are invited to participate in an event where you can buy and burn Schmeckles tokens to earn a ranking (leaderboard at bottom of page). At the event’s conclusion, participants’ rankings will determine the number of the limited-edition physical token (designed by @dagwoodious and pictured below) they’ll receive, along with a Schmeckles wristband. These items will be shipped to participants who provide a valid postal address.

To participate, users must purchase Schmeckles tokens worth 5 XRP or more and burn them. A step-by-step instructional video and step-by-step instructions are below, but users can contact the project team for any further assistance. To enter the rankings, participants need to submit their buy transaction, burn transaction, and (optionally) their postal address via the form below.

For those who prefer not to receive physical items, please leave the postal address blank and fill out the ‘Additional Information’ section with what you want us to do with your physical token (i.e. add it to the Whirly Dirly), though participation with physical rewards is encouraged.

  • Postage will be covered by Schmeckles Pty Ltd.
  • Multiple entries from a single wallet is acceptable and will simply result in your score increasing.
  • Multiple entries from the same postal address is acceptable (i.e. husband and wife).
  • Rankings are based on XRP spent. However, where the XRP spent is equivalent between multiple wallets the rankings will then be based on Schmeckles burned.*
  • Any unclaimed limited-edition physical tokens will be used for future giveaways (i.e. the Whirly Dirly).
  • Only the Top 100 rankings will receive a prize.


Step 1: Add your wallet to the below form
Step 2: Buy at least 5 XRP worth of Schmeckles and copy the transaction ID/URL
Step 3: Add the Buy Transaction ID/URL to the below form
Step 4: Burn the Schmeckles purchased in Step 2 via the Tipper X Hall of Burn ( or via the XRP Tool Kit ( and copy the transaction ID/URL – if using XRP Toolkit then send the tokens to the Schmeckles Issuer Account:


Step 5: Add the Buy Transaction ID/URL to the below form
Step 6: Add your address and/or the additional information in the below form and send it

Please note that the rankings table is updated manually. If you do not see your ranking after 24 hours please contact the project via:
Discord; or

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