Mental Health Resources

The following resources are Australian based.

Emergency Services (000)

It is the responsibility of states and territories to protect the life and property of Australians. Each state and territory has its own Emergency Service Organisations which send Police, Fire and/or Ambulance to emergencies.

After the Emergency Call Person has taken your call they will hand the call to the relevant emergency service organisation. Please stay on the line until you are connected to the emergency service.

LifeLine (13 11 14)

A national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

We are available 24 hours a day to listen, without judgement to any person in Australia who is feeling overwhelmed, experiencing crisis or longs to be heard.

Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467)

The Suicide Call Back Service is a 24 hour, nationwide service that provides free telephone, video and online counselling by counsellors. It offers immediate crisis support to anyone in Australia who is aged 15 years and older.

MensLine Australia (1300 78 99 78)

A national telephone and online support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship concerns, staffed by professional counsellors, experienced in men’s issues.

Blue Knot Foundation Helpline (1300 657 380)

Provides support, education and resources for adults, families and communities who have survived complex trauma.

Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800)

A free confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Mindspot (1800 61 44 34)

A free service for Australian adults 18+ who are experiencing difficulties with anxiety, stress, depression and low mood, providing free assessment and treatment courses, along with help in finding local support services.

PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia (1300 726 306)

Provides a range of programs to support women, men and their families to recover from perinatal anxiety and depression and raise community awareness.

Qlife – LGBTI Peer Support (1800 184 527)

A free support service lead by trained LGBTI community members for LGBTI individuals, their friends and families providing peer support and referral for issues associated with sexuality, identity, gender, feelings, body, feelings or relationships.

SANE Australia (1800 18 7263)

A national mental health charity supporting people affected by complex mental health issues through support, research and advocacy.  SANE help people live long and fulfilling lives, free from stigma and discrimination through our readily accessible programs and online initiatives

Beyond Blue

A leading Australian mental health organisation promoting education awareness focusing on supporting people affected by anxiety, depression and suicide.
Beyond Blue Online Forums
a great way to connect with people online, in a safe and anonymous environment, to discuss anxiety, depression, suicide and a range of life issues.

1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

A national counselling service supporting those who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing sexual assault, domestic violence or family violence and abuse.

Open Arms (1800 011 046)

A national provider of mental health assessment and counselling for former and current Australian veterans, and their families


A free online and telephone service that supports young people aged between 12 and 25, and families going through troubling times.

Black Dog Institute

An education and research based organisation providing information on symptoms, treatment and prevention of depression and bipolar disorder.

National Debt Helpline

A confidential, free, independent and non-judgmental service for people in financial difficulty to receive information, advice and advocacy from qualified professional financial counsellors.

Reach Out

Offers a range of resources for young people aged 12–25, with a focus on supporting their mental health and wellbeing through everyday issues and tough times. Reach Out also educates parents and schools in recognising and supporting the youth through troubling experiences.

Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Provides information and a pathway to an array of support services for those experiencing alcohol or drug issues.

The Butterfly Foundation

Phone, webchat and email support for those experiencing an eating disorder, as well as for family, friends and others trying to help a loved one.

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